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2024-03-30 16:35:40 +08:00
function [y, bits] = newLSIG(cfgFormat,frameNo)
R = wlan.internal.nonHTRateSignalBits(cfgFormat.MCS);
length = cfgFormat.PSDULength;
% Construct the SIGNAL field. Length parameter with LSB first, which is 12 bits
lengthBits = de2bi(length,12,'right-msb').';
% Even parity bit
parityBit = mod(sum([R;lengthBits],1),2);
% :
frameNoBits = de2bi(frameNo,6,'right-msb').';
% The SIGNAL field (IEEE Std 802.11-2016, Section
% bits = [R; 0; lengthBits; parityBit; zeros(6,1,'int8')];
bits = [R; 0; lengthBits; parityBit; frameNoBits];
% Process L-SIG bits
encodedBits = wlanBCCEncode(bits,'1/2');
interleavedBits = wlanBCCInterleave(encodedBits,'Non-HT',48);
modData = wlanConstellationMap(interleavedBits,1);
% Add pilot symbols, from IEEE Std 802.11-2016, Equation 19-14
Nsym = 1; % One symbol
z = 0; % No offset as first symbol is with pilots
modPilots = wlan.internal.nonHTPilots(Nsym,z);
% Map subcarriers and replicate over bandwidth
cfgOFDM = wlan.internal.wlanGetOFDMConfig(cfgFormat.ChannelBandwidth,'Long','Legacy');
sym = complex(zeros(cfgOFDM.FFTLength,1));
sym(cfgOFDM.DataIndices,1) = repmat(modData,cfgOFDM.NumSubchannels,1);
sym(cfgOFDM.PilotIndices,1) = repmat(modPilots,cfgOFDM.NumSubchannels,1);
% Apply gamma rotation, replicate over antennas and apply cyclic shifts
[lsig,scalingFactor] = wlan.internal.legacyFieldMap(sym,cfgOFDM.NumTones,cfgFormat);
% OFDM modulate
y = wlan.internal.wlanOFDMModulate(lsig,cfgOFDM.CyclicPrefixLength)*scalingFactor;