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2024-03-30 16:35:40 +08:00
function rxWaveform = heSigRecGenerateWaveform(cfgMU,numRx,delayProfile,noisePower,cfo)
%heSigRecGenerateWaveform Generate an impaired waveform for the featured example
% Copyright 2018-2019 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Specify waveform parameters
numTxPkt = 1; % Number of transmitted packets
idleTime = 20e-6; % Idle time before and after each packet
% Setup TGax Indoor channel
chanBW = cfgMU.ChannelBandwidth;
numTx = cfgMU.NumTransmitAntennas;
sr = wlanSampleRate(cfgMU);
% Create channel configuration common for all users
tgaxChannel = wlanTGaxChannel;
tgaxChannel.DelayProfile = delayProfile; % Delay profile
tgaxChannel.NumTransmitAntennas = numTx; % Number of transmit antennas
tgaxChannel.NumReceiveAntennas = numRx; % Each user has two receive antennas
tgaxChannel.TransmitReceiveDistance = 10; % Non-line of sight distance
tgaxChannel.ChannelBandwidth = chanBW;
tgaxChannel.SampleRate = sr;
% Set a fixed seed for the channel
tgaxChannel.RandomStream = 'mt19937ar with seed';
tgaxChannel.Seed = 1;
rngState = rng(120); % Set random state
% Get allocation info
allocInfo = ruInfo(cfgMU);
muPSDULengths = getPSDULength(cfgMU);
% Create a MAC frame
[macFrames,cfgMU] = createMACFrames(cfgMU,allocInfo);
macFrames = addMUPadding(macFrames,muPSDULengths);
txPSDUPerUser = macFrames;
% Generate HE-MU waveform with idle period
txWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator(txPSDUPerUser,cfgMU, ...
% Add channel
chanOut = tgaxChannel([zeros(round(idleTime*sr),numTx); txWaveform]);
% Add carrier frequency offset
chanOut = helperFrequencyOffset(chanOut,sr,cfo);
% Add noise
awgnChannel = comm.AWGNChannel( ...
'NoiseMethod', 'Variance', ...
'Variance', 10^(noisePower/10));
rxWaveform = awgnChannel(chanOut);
rng(rngState); % Restore random state
function [macFrames,cfgHE] = createMACFrames(cfgHE,allocInfo)
%createMACFrames Creates HE-MU MAC frames
% Limitation:
% -----------
% * wlanMACFrame does not support wlanHEMUConfig object. The MAC
% frame format is same for HE-SU and HE-MU packet, we are using
% wlanHESUConfig object to create a separate MAC frame for each user in
% an HE-MU configuration.
% * Channel coding option "BCC" is not supported for bandwidth > 20MHz
% in HE-SU format. If the bandwidth is > 20 MHz, we are forcing the channel
% coding value to "LDPC". This does not affect the generated MAC frame
% unless "MinimumMPDUStartSpacing" parameter is set to a value > 0.
if isa(cfgHE,'wlanHEMUConfig')
numUsers = allocInfo.NumUsers;
numRUs = allocInfo.NumRUs;
apepLength = zeros(numUsers,1);
cfgSU = cell(numUsers,1);
for ru = 1:numRUs
for u = 1:numUsers
apepLength(u) = cfgHE.User{u}.APEPLength;
if strcmp(cfgHE.ChannelBandwidth,'CBW20')
chCoding = cfgHE.User{u}.ChannelCoding;
chCoding = 'LDPC';
cfgSU{u} = wlanHESUConfig(...
'APEPLength', apepLength(u), ...
'ChannelBandwidth', cfgHE.ChannelBandwidth, ...
'SpatialMapping', cfgHE.RU{ru}.SpatialMapping, ...
'NumSpaceTimeStreams', allocInfo.NumSpaceTimeStreamsPerRU(ru), ...
'MCS', cfgHE.User{u}.MCS, ...
'DCM', cfgHE.User{u}.DCM, ...
'ChannelCoding', chCoding, ...
'NumTransmitAntennas', cfgHE.NumTransmitAntennas, ...
'STBC', cfgHE.STBC, ...
'GuardInterval', cfgHE.GuardInterval, ...
'HELTFType', cfgHE.HELTFType, ...
'SpatialReuse', cfgHE.SpatialReuse);
else % HE-SU, HE-EXT-SU
numUsers = 1;
apepLength = cfgHE.APEPLength;
cfgSU = {cfgHE};
% Create a MAC frame configuration
cfgMAC = wlanMACFrameConfig('FrameType','QoS Data','FrameFormat',cfgSU{1}.packetFormat);
macFrames = cell(numUsers, 1);
for i = 1:numUsers
% Create payload (MSDUs) for the MAC frame
msduLen = wlanMSDULengths(apepLength(i),cfgMAC,cfgSU{i});
msdu = cell(1, numel(msduLen));
for j = 1:numel(msduLen)
msdu{j} = randi([0,255],msduLen(j),1);
% Create the MAC frame bits
[macFrames{i},length] = wlanMACFrame(msdu,cfgMAC,cfgSU{i},'OutputFormat','bits');
% Update the APEP length. APEP length is always rounded off to a
% multiple of 4-octets.
if isa(cfgHE, 'wlanHEMUConfig')
cfgHE.User{i}.APEPLength = length;
cfgHE.APEPLength = length;
function macFrames = addMUPadding(macFrames, muPSDULengths)
%addMUPadding Adds or removes the padding difference between an HE-SU and HE-MU PSDU
numFrames = numel(macFrames);
eofDelimiter = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0]';
delimiterLength = 4;
for i = 1:numFrames
assert(rem(numel(macFrames{i}),8) == 0,'Number of bits in the MAC frame is not a multiple of 8')
psdu = macFrames{i};
psdu = psdu(1 : end-rem(numel(macFrames{i})/8,4)*8);
psduLength = numel(psdu)/8;
% Difference between the required padding for SU and MU formats
muPadding = muPSDULengths(i) - psduLength;
% Calculate the number of EOF delimiters and zero padding needed
% for the MU padding
numEOFDelimiters = floor(abs(muPadding)/4);
wordPadding = rem(abs(muPadding),4);
if muPadding < 0
% Delete the extra padding created with wlanHESUConfig object
macFrames{i} = psdu(1 : end - (numEOFDelimiters*delimiterLength*8 + wordPadding*8));
% Add MU padding to the PSDU
macFrames{i} = [psdu; repmat(eofDelimiter, numEOFDelimiters,1); zeros(wordPadding*8,1)];