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2024-03-30 16:35:40 +08:00
function est = helperNoiseEstimate(rxSym,varargin)
%helperNoiseEstimate Estimate noise power using L-LTF (non-HT, HT, and VHT)
%and LTF1 in S1G
% EST = helperNoiseEstimate(RXSYM) estimates the mean noise power in
% watts using the demodulated L-LTF symbols (non-HT, HT, and VHT) or the
% demodulated S1G-LTF1 symbols in S1G, assuming 1ohm resistance. The
% estimated noise power in non-HT packet is averaged over the number of
% of receive antennas.
% RXSYM is the frequency-domain signal corresponding to the L-LTF or
% S1G-LTF1. It is a complex matrix or 3-D array of size Nst-by-2-by-Nr,
% where Nst represents the number of used subcarriers in the L-LTF or
% S1G-LTF1, and Nr represents the number of receive antennas. Two OFDM
% symbols in the L-LTF or S1G-LTF1 fields are used to estimate the noise
% power. Noise estimate from the S1G-LTF1 field for S1G 1MHz format is
% not supported.
% EST = helperNoiseEstimate(RXSYM,CHANBW,NUMSTS) returns the estimated
% noise power in beamformed fields using the specified channel bandwidth,
% CHANBW, and total number of space-time streams, NUMSTS. The number of
% subcarriers used within each field and the scaling applied during
% demodulation differs between the non-HT and HT/VHT fields for VHT, HT
% and non-HT. Therefore the estimated noise power after demodulation in
% HT/VHT fields is calculated by scaling the estimated noise power in the
% L-LTF. The number of space-time streams is required for scaling if the
% demodulated RXSYM is not scaled according to the number of space-time
% streams.
% EST = helperNoiseEstimate(...,'Per Antenna') specifies the option of
% estimating the noise for each receive antenna. When this option is
% specified EST is a row vector of length Nr.
% Example:
% % Estimate the noise variance of an HT packet.
% cfgHT = wlanHTConfig; % Create packet configuration
% chanBW = cfgHT.ChannelBandwidth;
% numSTS = cfgHT.NumSpaceTimeStreams;
% noisePower = -20;
% awgnChannel = comm.AWGNChannel;
% awgnChannel.NoiseMethod = 'Variance';
% awgnChannel.Variance = 10^(noisePower/10);
% Nst = 56; % Data and pilot OFDM subcarriers in 20MHz, HT format
% Nfft = 64; % FFT size for 20MHz bandwidth
% nVarHT = 10^(noisePower/10)*(Nst/Nfft); % non-HT noise variance
% NumRxAnts = 1;
% % Average noise estimate over 100 independent noise realization
% for n=1:100
% % Generate LLTF and add noise
% rxSym = awgnChannel(wlanLLTF(cfgHT));
% y = wlanLLTFDemodulate(rxSym,cfgHT);
% noiseEst(n) = helperNoiseEstimate(y,chanBW,numSTS);
% end
% % Check noise variance estimates without Channel
% noiseEstError = 10*log10(mean(noiseEst))-10*log10(nVarHT);
% disp(['Error between noise variance and mean estimated noise ', ...
% 'power(dB): ' num2str(noiseEstError,'%2.2f ')]);
% See also wlanLLTF, wlanLLTFDemodulate.
% Copyright 2015-2017 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Validate symbol type
validateattributes(rxSym,{'double'},{'3d','finite'},mfilename,'OFDM symbol(s)');
% Two L-LTF symbols (non-HT, HT, and VHT) or two S1G-LTF1 symbols (S1G) are
% required to estimate the noise
numSC = size(rxSym,1);
% Minimal optional parameter checks
if nargin == 2
% (rxSym,'Per Antenna')
average = false;
scalingFactor = 1; % Noise scaling factor
elseif nargin == 3
% (rxSym, chanBW, numSTSTotal)
chanBW = varargin{1}; % chanBW: CBW2/4/8/16/20/40/80/160
numSTSTotal = varargin{2}; % numSTSTotal: 1,...,8
average = true;
% Noise scaling factor
scalingFactor = noiseScaling(chanBW,numSC,numSTSTotal);
elseif nargin == 4
% (rxSym, chanBW, numSTSTotal, 'Per Antenna')
chanBW = varargin{1}; % chanBW: CBW2/4/8/16/20/40/80/160
numSTSTotal = varargin{2}; % numSTSTotal: 1,...,8
average = false;
% Noise scaling factor
scalingFactor = noiseScaling(chanBW,numSC,numSTSTotal);
% (rxSym)
average = true;
scalingFactor = 1;
% Noise estimate
noiseEst = sum(abs(rxSym(:,1,:)-rxSym(:,2,:)).^2,1)/(2*numSC);
if average
noise = mean(noiseEst);
noise = squeeze(noiseEst).';
% Scale
est = noise*scalingFactor;
function out = noiseScaling(chanBW,numSC,numSTSTotal)
if any(strcmp(chanBW,{'CBW2','CBW4','CBW8','CBW16'}))
% In S1G, Data and LTF1 fields have the same number of occupied
% subcarriers. Only apply scaling by the number of space-time streams.
Nst = numSC;
% Get the number of occupied subcarriers in HT and VHT fields.
% The number of used subcarriers for HT and VHT are same therefore
% fix the character vector input of the following helper function to
% VHT. The guard type is not relevant for numbers alone.
[~,vhtData,vhtPilots] = wlan.internal.wlanGetOFDMConfig(chanBW,'Long','VHT');
Nst = numel(vhtData)+numel(vhtPilots);
out = (Nst/numSC)*numSTSTotal;
function validateInput(chanBW,numSC)
if any(strcmp(chanBW,{'CBW2','CBW4','CBW8','CBW16'})) % S1G
[~,s1gData,s1gPilots] = wlan.internal.s1gOFDMConfig(chanBW,'Long','LTF1');
Nst = numel(s1gData)+numel(s1gPilots);
else % nonHT, HT, and VHT
% Get number of used subcarriers in NonHT format
[~,nonhtData,nonhtPilots] = wlan.internal.wlanGetOFDMConfig(chanBW,'Long','Legacy');
Nst = numel(nonhtData)+numel(nonhtPilots);
% Validate number of subcarriers in input
function validateNType(nType)
coder.internal.errorIf(~(strcmpi(nType,'Per Antenna')),'wlan:helperNoiseEstimate:InvalidNoiseEstType');