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function [y,cpe] = preHECommonPhaseErrorTracking(x,chanEst,fieldName,chanBW)
%preHECommonPhaseErrorTracking Estimate and correct common phase error
% [Y,CPE] = preHECommonPhaseErrorTracking(X,CHANEST,FIELDNAME,CHANBW)
% returns the phase corrected OFDM symbols and common phase error per
% OFDM symbols using the input X, channel estimates, CHANEST, field name,
% FIELDNAME and channel bandwidth CHANBW.
% Y are the phase corrected OFDM symbols and is of same size as X. CPE is
% of size 1-by-Nsym, contains common phase error for each OFDM symbol.
% X is a complex Nst-by-Nsym-by-Nr array containing the received OFDM
% symbols. Nst is the number of subcarriers and Nr is the number of
% receive antennas.
% CHANEST is a real or complex array containing the channel estimates for
% each carrier. It is of size Nst-by-1-by-Nr.
% FIELDNAME is a character vector or string specifying the field of
% interest. The allowed field names are 'L-SIG', 'RL-SIG', 'HE-SIG-A',
% and 'HE-SIG-B'.
% CHANBW is a character vector or string. The allowed channel bandwidth
% are 'CBW20', 'CBW40', 'CBW80', and 'CBW160'.
% Copyright 2018-2019 The MathWorks, Inc.
numOFDMSym = size(x,2);
switch fieldName
case {'L-SIG','RL-SIG'}
z = 0; % Pilot symbol offset
ofdmInfo = wlanHEOFDMInfo('L-LTF',chanBW);
case 'HE-SIG-A'
z = 2;
ofdmInfo = wlanHEOFDMInfo('HE-SIG-A',chanBW);
case 'HE-SIG-B'
z = 2;
ofdmInfo = wlanHEOFDMInfo('HE-SIG-B',chanBW);
refPilots = wlan.internal.nonHTPilots(numOFDMSym,z);
refPilots = repmat(refPilots,ofdmInfo.NumSubchannels,1);
% Estimate CPE and phase correct symbols
[~,~,fieldPilotInd] = wlan.internal.hePreHEOFDMConfig(chanBW,fieldName);
if numel(ofdmInfo.PilotIndices)==size(chanEst,1)
% Assume channel estimate is only for pilots
chanEstPilots = chanEst;
chanEstPilots = chanEst(ofdmInfo.PilotIndices,:,:);
cpe = wlan.internal.commonPhaseErrorEstimate(x(fieldPilotInd,:,:),chanEstPilots,refPilots);
y = wlan.internal.commonPhaseErrorCorrect(x,cpe);