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2024-03-30 16:35:40 +08:00
function est = preHEChannelEstimate(rxSym,chanEst,numSubchannels)
%preHEChannelEstimate Estimate channel on extra four subcarriers per
%subchannel and create full channel estimates
% EST = preHEChannelEstimate(RXSYM,CHANEST,NUMSUBCHANNELS) estimate the
% channel on extra four subcarrier in L-SIG field and create a full
% channel estimates.
% EST is a complex Nst-by-1-by-Nr array containing the estimated channel
% at data and pilot subcarriers, where Nst is the number of occupied
% subcarriers and Nr is the number of receive antennas. The Nst includes
% the channel estimates for the extra four subcarriers present in L-SIG
% field.
% RXSYM are the demodulated L-SIG field symbols of size Nst-by-1-by-Nr.
% CHANEST is a complex Nst-by-1-by-Nr array containing the estimated
% channel at data and pilot subcarriers using L-LTF field.
% NUMSUBCHANNELS is a scalar representing the number of 20MHz subchannels
% in the bandwidth of interest.
% Copyright 2018-2019 The MathWorks, Inc.
est = coder.nullcopy(complex(zeros(size(rxSym,1),size(chanEst,2),size(chanEst,3))));
for i = 1:numSubchannels
chanEstExtra = bsxfun(@times,mean(rxSym([1; 2; 55; 56]+56*(i-1),:,:),2),[-1; -1; -1; 1]);
est((1:56)+(i-1)*56,:,:) = [chanEstExtra([1 2],:,:); chanEst((1:52)+(i-1)*52,:,:); chanEstExtra([3 4],:,:)];