function y = int2bit(x, N, MSBFirst) %INT2BIT Convert integers to bits % % Y = INT2BIT(X,N) converts each integer element in X to N % column-wise bits in Y in 2's complement form, with the first or the % top-most bit being the MSB (most significant bit). X can be a % scalar, vector, matrix or an array with 3 dimensions. Y has same % dimensions as X, except that the number of rows in Y are N times % the number of rows in X. The datatype of X can be any of the % built-in numeric types. When the datatype of X is - % - a floating-point type, Y is of the same datatype. % - a built-in unsigned integer type, datatype of Y is uint8. % - a built-in signed integer type, datatype of Y is int8. % - double, N must be no larger than 53. % - single, N must be no larger than 24. % When N is less than the minimum number of bits required to % represent values in X i.e. N < ceil(log2(max(X)+1)), the least % significant N bits are returned in Y. % % Y = INT2BIT(X,N,MSBFIRST) specifies MSB orientation in MSBFIRST. % When MSBFIRST is true, the first bit in each set of N column-wise % bits in Y is the MSB; when MSBFIRST is false, the first bit in each % set of N column-wise bits in Y is the LSB (least significant bit). % % Examples: % % A1 = [12 5]; % N1 = 4; % B1 = int2bit(A1, N1); % % A2 = int8([32 6 104; 120 66 9]); % N2 = 8; % msbFirst = false; % B2 = int2bit(A2, N2, msbFirst); % % A3 = randi([0,255], 4, 3, 2, 'uint16'); % N3 = 10; % B3 = int2bit(A3, N3); % % A4 = [153, -103, 103, -128]; % B4 = int2bit(A4, 8); % 153 and -103 represent same bits % B5 = int2bit(A4, 9); % Use additional bit to have unique bits % % See also BIT2INT. % Copyright 2021-2022 The MathWorks, Inc. %#codegen narginchk(2,3); if nargin == 2 MSBFirst = true; else validateattributes(MSBFirst, {'logical','numeric'}, {'scalar','binary'}, '', 'MSBFirst'); end if isfloat(x) % Output datatype is same as input's validateattributes(x, {'numeric'}, {'3d','nonempty','integer'}, '', 'X'); if isa(x, 'double') maxN = 53; else maxN = 24; end validateattributes(N, {'numeric'}, {'scalar','positive','integer','<=',maxN}, '', 'N'); useN = N; yType = x(1); isInputFloat = true; else % Output datatype is uint8 or int8 validateattributes(x, {'numeric'}, {'3d','nonempty'}, '', 'X'); validateattributes(N, {'numeric'}, {'scalar','positive','integer'}, '', 'N'); intClass = class(x); integerClasses = {'int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64'}; integerNumBits = [8, 8, 16, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64]; maxN = integerNumBits(strcmp(intClass, integerClasses)); useN = min(N, maxN); if intClass(1) == 'u' yType = zeros(1, 'uint8'); else yType = zeros(1, 'int8'); end isInputFloat = false; end ySize = size(x); ySize(1) = ySize(1) * N; if'MATLAB') if isInputFloat % Matrix operations are faster, compared to element-wise % operations, in MATLAB simulation. if MSBFirst powOf2 = pow2(cast(-N+1:0, 'like', x)); else powOf2 = pow2(cast(0:-1:(-N+1), 'like', x)); end y = reshape(mod(floor(x(:) * powOf2), 2)', ySize); else % Use bitget() for built-in integers in sim to avoid % floating-point operations. if useN < N % When input integer value is negative and useN