function rmsEVM = hePlotEVMPerSymbol(eqDataSym,cfgRx,evmSymPlot,varargin) % hePlotEVMPerSymbol Plots EVM per symbols for all spatial streams % % RMSEVM = hePlotEVMPerSymbol(EQDATASYM,CFGRX,EVMSYMPLOT) plots EVM per % symbol averaged over subcarriers for all spatial streams. % % RMSEVM is the EVM of EQDATASYM in decibels. % % EQDATASYM are the demodulated HE-Data field OFDM symbols for a user, % specified as a Nsd-by-Nsym-by-Nss matrix of real or complex values, % where Nsd is the number of data subcarriers in the HE-Data field and % Nsym is the number of OFDM symbols, and Nss is the number of spatial % streams. % % CFGRX is the format configuration object of type wlanHERecoveryConfig. % % EVMSYMPLOT is a system object of type dsp.ArrayPlot. % % RMSEVM = hePlotEVMPerSymbol(...,USERIDX,NUMUSERS) displays user % number and number of user information in the figure title. % Copyright 2019 The MathWorks, Inc. [~,~,Nss] = size(eqDataSym); if nargin == 5 userIdx = varargin{1}; numUsers = varargin{2}; elseif nargin == 4 userIdx = varargin{1}; numUsers = 1; % Number of users are unKnown, prefix this to 1 end EVM = comm.EVM; EVM.ReferenceSignalSource = 'Estimated from reference constellation'; EVM.ReferenceConstellation = wlanReferenceSymbols(cfgRx); rmsEVMPerSym = permute(EVM(eqDataSym),[2 3 1]); str = cell(Nss,1); for iss=1:Nss str{iss} = sprintf('Spatial stream %d',iss); end evmSymPlot.ChannelNames = str; if nargin>3 evmSymPlot.Name = sprintf('EVM per symbol, user#%d/%d',userIdx,numUsers); else evmSymPlot.Name = sprintf('EVM per symbol'); end rmsEVM = 20*log10(rmsEVMPerSym/100); evmSymPlot(rmsEVM); release(evmSymPlot); end