function [SpectrumAnalyzer,TimeScope,ConstellationDiagram,EVMPerSubcarrier,EVMPerSymbol] = heSigRecSetupPlots(sr) %heSigRecSetupPlots Create measurement plots for the featured example % Copyright 2018-2019 The MathWorks, Inc. % Scale and position plots on the screen [repositionPlots,position] = helperPlotPositions(); % Create spectrum analyzer to plot spectrum of packet SpectrumAnalyzer = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer; SpectrumAnalyzer.Name = 'Detected packet signal spectrum'; SpectrumAnalyzer.SampleRate = sr; SpectrumAnalyzer.ShowLegend = true; SpectrumAnalyzer.RBWSource = 'Property'; SpectrumAnalyzer.RBW = 100e3; SpectrumAnalyzer.SpectralAverages = 3; if repositionPlots SpectrumAnalyzer.Position = position(1,:); end % Create time scope to plot detected packet TimeScope = timescope; TimeScope.Name = 'Detected packet'; TimeScope.YLabel = 'Magnitude'; TimeScope.PlotType = 'Line'; TimeScope.ShowGrid = true; TimeScope.ShowLegend = true; TimeScope.SampleRate = sr; TimeScope.TimeSpanSource = 'property'; if repositionPlots TimeScope.Position = position(2,:); end % Create a constellation diagram to plot equalized symbols ConstellationDiagram = comm.ConstellationDiagram; ConstellationDiagram.ShowReferenceConstellation = true; ConstellationDiagram.ShowGrid = true; ConstellationDiagram.Name = 'Equalized data symbols'; if repositionPlots ConstellationDiagram.Position = position(5,:); end ConstellationDiagram.ShowLegend = 1; % Display EVM plot per subcarrier EVMPerSubcarrier = dsp.ArrayPlot; EVMPerSubcarrier.PlotType = 'Line'; EVMPerSubcarrier.ShowLegend = true; EVMPerSubcarrier.XLabel = 'Subcarrier index'; EVMPerSubcarrier.YLabel = 'EVM (dB)'; EVMPerSubcarrier.Name = 'EVM per subcarrier'; if repositionPlots EVMPerSubcarrier.Position = position(3,:); end % Display EVM plot per symbol EVMPerSymbol = dsp.ArrayPlot; EVMPerSymbol.PlotType = 'Line'; EVMPerSymbol.ShowLegend = true; EVMPerSymbol.XLabel = 'Symbol index'; EVMPerSymbol.YLabel = 'EVM (dB)'; EVMPerSymbol.Name = 'EVM per symbol'; if repositionPlots EVMPerSymbol.Position = position(4,:); end end