91 lines
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91 lines
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function [status,cfgRx,commonBits,eqCommonSym,failInterpretation] = heSIGBCommonFieldDecode(rx,chanEst,noiseVar,cfgRx,varargin)
%heSIGBCommonFieldDecode Decode HE-SIG-B common field
% decode the HE-SIG-B common field given the HE-SIG-B common field
% samples, channel estimate, CHANEST, noise variance, NOISEVAR and
% recovery configuration object CFGRX.
% STATUS represents the result of content channel decoding, and is
% returned as a character vector. The STATUS output is determined by the
% combination of cyclic redundancy check (CRC) per content channel and
% the number of HE-SIG-B symbols signaled in HE-SIG-A field:
% Success - CRC passed for all content channels
% ContentChannel1CRCFail - CRC failed for content channel-1 and
% the number of HE-SIG-B symbols is less
% than 16.
% ContentChannel2CRCFail - CRC failed for content channel-2 and
% the number of HE-SIG-B symbols is less
% than 16.
% UnknownNumUsersContentChannel1 - CRC failed for content channel-1 and
% the number of HE-SIG-B symbols is
% equal to 16.
% UnknownNumUsersContentChannel2 - CRC failed for content channel-2 and
% the number of HE-SIG-B symbols is
% equal to 16.
% AllContentChannelCRCFail - CRC failed for all content channels.
% CFGRX is an updated format configuration object of type
% <a href="matlab:help('wlanHERecoveryConfig')">wlanHERecoveryConfig</a> after HE-SIG-B common field decoding.
% RX are the HE-SIG-B common field samples. The number of common field
% samples depends on the channel bandwidth as defined in Table 27-23 of
% IEEE P802.11ax/D4.1.
% CHANEST is a complex Nst-by-1-by-Nr array containing the estimated
% channel at data and pilot subcarriers, where Nst is the number of
% occupied subcarriers and Nr is the number of receive antennas.
% NOISEVAR is the noise variance estimate, specified as a nonnegative
% scalar.
% CFGRX is the format configuration object of type <a href="matlab:help('wlanHERecoveryConfig')">wlanHERecoveryConfig</a>
% and specifies the parameters for the HE-MU format.
% controls the behavior of the function due to an unexpected value of the
% interpreted HE-SIG-B common field bits. SUPPRESSERROR is logical. When
% SUPPRESSERROR is true and the function cannot interpret the recovered
% HE-SIG-B common field bits due to an unexpected value, the function
% returns FAILINTERPRETATION as true and cfgMU is unchanged. When
% SUPPRESSERROR is false and the function cannot interpret the recovered
% HE-SIG-B common field bits due to an unexpected value, an exception is
% issued, and the function does not return an output. The default is
% false.
% Copyright 2018-2020 The MathWorks, Inc.
suppressError = false; % Control the validation of the interpreted HE-SIG-B common field bits
failInterpretation = false;
if nargin>4
suppressError = varargin{1};
chanBW = cfgRx.ChannelBandwidth;
% Demodulate HE-SIG-B Common field
demodCommonSym = wlanHEDemodulate(rx,'HE-SIG-B',chanBW);
% Extract data and pilots symbols
preheInfo = wlanHEOFDMInfo('HE-SIG-A',chanBW);
demodCommonData = demodCommonSym(preheInfo.DataIndices,:,:);
demodCommonPilot = demodCommonSym(preheInfo.PilotIndices,:,:);
% Estimate and correct common phase error
demodCommonData = heCPECorrection(demodCommonData,demodCommonPilot,chanEst(preheInfo.PilotIndices,:,:),chanBW);
% Merge channels
[commonOne20MHz,chanEstOne20MHz] = heSIGBMergeSubchannels(demodCommonData,chanEst(preheInfo.DataIndices,:,:),chanBW);
% Perform equalization
[eqCommonSym,csiData] = preHESymbolEqualize(commonOne20MHz,chanEstOne20MHz,noiseVar);
% Decode HE-SIG-B common field
if suppressError
[commonBits,status] = wlanHESIGBCommonBitRecover(eqCommonSym,noiseVar,csiData,cfgRx);
[cfgRx,failInterpretation] = interpretHESIGBCommonBits(cfgRx,commonBits,status);
[commonBits,status,cfgRx] = wlanHESIGBCommonBitRecover(eqCommonSym,noiseVar,csiData,cfgRx);
end |