44 lines
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44 lines
1.3 KiB
function [demodContentCh,chanEstContentCh] = heSIGBMergeSubchannels(rx,chanEst,chanBW)
%heSIGBMergeSubchannels Merge 20MHz HE-SIG-B subchannels
% heSIGBMergeSubchannels(RX,CHANEST,CHANBW) returns the demodulated
% HE-SIG-B symbols and channel estimates after merging 20MHz subchannels
% for the given channel bandwidth.
% DEMODCONTENTCH and CHANESTCONTENTCH are the merged 20MHz subchannels
% for the channel bandwidth of interest.
% RX are the demodulated HE-SIG-B samples.
% CHANEST is a real or complex array containing the channel estimates for
% each carrier. It is of size Nst-by-1-by-Nr.
% CHANBW is a character vector or string. The allowed channel bandwidth
% are 'CBW20', 'CBW40', 'CBW80' and 'CBW160'.
% Copyright 2018 The MathWorks, Inc.
numST = size(rx,1);
numSym = size(rx,2);
if any(numST==[52 104 208 416])
% Input is data + pilots
per20 = 104;
% Input is only data
per20 = 112;
switch chanBW
case {'CBW80','CBW160'}
demodContentCh = permute(reshape(permute(rx,[1 3 2]),per20,[],numSym),[1 3 2]);
numTx = 1; % For L-LTF
chanEstContentCh = permute(reshape(permute(chanEst,[1 3 2]),per20,[],numTx),[1 3 2]);
demodContentCh = rx;
% numTx = 1; % For L-LTF
chanEstContentCh = chanEst;
end |