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Raw Normal View History

2021-06-23 08:58:10 +08:00
# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from import Sequence
except Exception:
from collections import Sequence
import cv2
import numpy as np
from .operators import register_op, BaseOperator, Resize
from .op_helper import jaccard_overlap, gaussian2D
from scipy import ndimage
from ppdet.modeling import bbox_utils
from ppdet.utils.logger import setup_logger
logger = setup_logger(__name__)
__all__ = [
'PadBatch', 'BatchRandomResize', 'Gt2YoloTarget', 'Gt2FCOSTarget',
'Gt2TTFTarget', 'Gt2Solov2Target', 'RboxPadBatch'
class PadBatch(BaseOperator):
Pad a batch of samples so they can be divisible by a stride.
The layout of each image should be 'CHW'.
pad_to_stride (int): If `pad_to_stride > 0`, pad zeros to ensure
height and width is divisible by `pad_to_stride`.
def __init__(self, pad_to_stride=0, pad_gt=False):
super(PadBatch, self).__init__()
self.pad_to_stride = pad_to_stride
self.pad_gt = pad_gt
def __call__(self, samples, context=None):
samples (list): a batch of sample, each is dict.
coarsest_stride = self.pad_to_stride
max_shape = np.array([data['image'].shape for data in samples]).max(
if coarsest_stride > 0:
max_shape[1] = int(
np.ceil(max_shape[1] / coarsest_stride) * coarsest_stride)
max_shape[2] = int(
np.ceil(max_shape[2] / coarsest_stride) * coarsest_stride)
padding_batch = []
for data in samples:
im = data['image']
im_c, im_h, im_w = im.shape[:]
padding_im = np.zeros(
(im_c, max_shape[1], max_shape[2]), dtype=np.float32)
padding_im[:, :im_h, :im_w] = im
data['image'] = padding_im
if 'semantic' in data and data['semantic'] is not None:
semantic = data['semantic']
padding_sem = np.zeros(
(1, max_shape[1], max_shape[2]), dtype=np.float32)
padding_sem[:, :im_h, :im_w] = semantic
data['semantic'] = padding_sem
if 'gt_segm' in data and data['gt_segm'] is not None:
gt_segm = data['gt_segm']
padding_segm = np.zeros(
(gt_segm.shape[0], max_shape[1], max_shape[2]),
padding_segm[:, :im_h, :im_w] = gt_segm
data['gt_segm'] = padding_segm
if self.pad_gt:
gt_num = []
if 'gt_poly' in data and data['gt_poly'] is not None and len(data[
'gt_poly']) > 0:
pad_mask = True
pad_mask = False
if pad_mask:
poly_num = []
poly_part_num = []
point_num = []
for data in samples:
if pad_mask:
for poly in data['gt_poly']:
for p_p in poly:
point_num.append(int(len(p_p) / 2))
gt_num_max = max(gt_num)
for i, data in enumerate(samples):
gt_box_data = -np.ones([gt_num_max, 4], dtype=np.float32)
gt_class_data = -np.ones([gt_num_max], dtype=np.int32)
is_crowd_data = np.ones([gt_num_max], dtype=np.int32)
difficult_data = np.ones([gt_num_max], dtype=np.int32)
if pad_mask:
poly_num_max = max(poly_num)
poly_part_num_max = max(poly_part_num)
point_num_max = max(point_num)
gt_masks_data = -np.ones(
[poly_num_max, poly_part_num_max, point_num_max, 2],
gt_num = data['gt_bbox'].shape[0]
gt_box_data[0:gt_num, :] = data['gt_bbox']
gt_class_data[0:gt_num] = np.squeeze(data['gt_class'])
if 'is_crowd' in data:
is_crowd_data[0:gt_num] = np.squeeze(data['is_crowd'])
data['is_crowd'] = is_crowd_data
if 'difficult' in data:
difficult_data[0:gt_num] = np.squeeze(data['difficult'])
data['difficult'] = difficult_data
if pad_mask:
for j, poly in enumerate(data['gt_poly']):
for k, p_p in enumerate(poly):
pp_np = np.array(p_p).reshape(-1, 2)
gt_masks_data[j, k, :pp_np.shape[0], :] = pp_np
data['gt_poly'] = gt_masks_data
data['gt_bbox'] = gt_box_data
data['gt_class'] = gt_class_data
return samples
class BatchRandomResize(BaseOperator):
Resize image to target size randomly. random target_size and interpolation method
target_size (int, list, tuple): image target size, if random size is True, must be list or tuple
keep_ratio (bool): whether keep_raio or not, default true
interp (int): the interpolation method
random_size (bool): whether random select target size of image
random_interp (bool): whether random select interpolation method
def __init__(self,
super(BatchRandomResize, self).__init__()
self.keep_ratio = keep_ratio
self.interps = [
self.interp = interp
assert isinstance(target_size, (
int, Sequence)), "target_size must be int, list or tuple"
if random_size and not isinstance(target_size, list):
raise TypeError(
"Type of target_size is invalid when random_size is True. Must be List, now is {}".
self.target_size = target_size
self.random_size = random_size
self.random_interp = random_interp
def __call__(self, samples, context=None):
if self.random_size:
target_size = np.random.choice(self.target_size)
target_size = self.target_size
if self.random_interp:
interp = np.random.choice(self.interps)
interp = self.interp
resizer = Resize(target_size, keep_ratio=self.keep_ratio, interp=interp)
return resizer(samples, context=context)
class Gt2YoloTarget(BaseOperator):
Generate YOLOv3 targets by groud truth data, this operator is only used in
fine grained YOLOv3 loss mode
def __init__(self,
super(Gt2YoloTarget, self).__init__()
self.anchors = anchors
self.anchor_masks = anchor_masks
self.downsample_ratios = downsample_ratios
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.iou_thresh = iou_thresh
def __call__(self, samples, context=None):
assert len(self.anchor_masks) == len(self.downsample_ratios), \
"anchor_masks', and 'downsample_ratios' should have same length."
h, w = samples[0]['image'].shape[1:3]
an_hw = np.array(self.anchors) / np.array([[w, h]])
for sample in samples:
# im, gt_bbox, gt_class, gt_score = sample
im = sample['image']
gt_bbox = sample['gt_bbox']
gt_class = sample['gt_class']
if 'gt_score' not in sample:
sample['gt_score'] = np.ones(
(gt_bbox.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)
gt_score = sample['gt_score']
for i, (
mask, downsample_ratio
) in enumerate(zip(self.anchor_masks, self.downsample_ratios)):
grid_h = int(h / downsample_ratio)
grid_w = int(w / downsample_ratio)
target = np.zeros(
(len(mask), 6 + self.num_classes, grid_h, grid_w),
for b in range(gt_bbox.shape[0]):
gx, gy, gw, gh = gt_bbox[b, :]
cls = gt_class[b]
score = gt_score[b]
if gw <= 0. or gh <= 0. or score <= 0.:
# find best match anchor index
best_iou = 0.
best_idx = -1
for an_idx in range(an_hw.shape[0]):
iou = jaccard_overlap(
[0., 0., gw, gh],
[0., 0., an_hw[an_idx, 0], an_hw[an_idx, 1]])
if iou > best_iou:
best_iou = iou
best_idx = an_idx
gi = int(gx * grid_w)
gj = int(gy * grid_h)
# gtbox should be regresed in this layes if best match
# anchor index in anchor mask of this layer
if best_idx in mask:
best_n = mask.index(best_idx)
# x, y, w, h, scale
target[best_n, 0, gj, gi] = gx * grid_w - gi
target[best_n, 1, gj, gi] = gy * grid_h - gj
target[best_n, 2, gj, gi] = np.log(
gw * w / self.anchors[best_idx][0])
target[best_n, 3, gj, gi] = np.log(
gh * h / self.anchors[best_idx][1])
target[best_n, 4, gj, gi] = 2.0 - gw * gh
# objectness record gt_score
target[best_n, 5, gj, gi] = score
# classification
target[best_n, 6 + cls, gj, gi] = 1.
# For non-matched anchors, calculate the target if the iou
# between anchor and gt is larger than iou_thresh
if self.iou_thresh < 1:
for idx, mask_i in enumerate(mask):
if mask_i == best_idx: continue
iou = jaccard_overlap(
[0., 0., gw, gh],
[0., 0., an_hw[mask_i, 0], an_hw[mask_i, 1]])
if iou > self.iou_thresh and target[idx, 5, gj,
gi] == 0.:
# x, y, w, h, scale
target[idx, 0, gj, gi] = gx * grid_w - gi
target[idx, 1, gj, gi] = gy * grid_h - gj
target[idx, 2, gj, gi] = np.log(
gw * w / self.anchors[mask_i][0])
target[idx, 3, gj, gi] = np.log(
gh * h / self.anchors[mask_i][1])
target[idx, 4, gj, gi] = 2.0 - gw * gh
# objectness record gt_score
target[idx, 5, gj, gi] = score
# classification
target[idx, 6 + cls, gj, gi] = 1.
sample['target{}'.format(i)] = target
# remove useless gt_class and gt_score after target calculated
return samples
class Gt2FCOSTarget(BaseOperator):
Generate FCOS targets by groud truth data
def __init__(self,
super(Gt2FCOSTarget, self).__init__()
self.center_sampling_radius = center_sampling_radius
self.downsample_ratios = downsample_ratios
self.INF = np.inf
self.object_sizes_boundary = [-1] + object_sizes_boundary + [self.INF]
object_sizes_of_interest = []
for i in range(len(self.object_sizes_boundary) - 1):
self.object_sizes_boundary[i], self.object_sizes_boundary[i + 1]
self.object_sizes_of_interest = object_sizes_of_interest
self.norm_reg_targets = norm_reg_targets
def _compute_points(self, w, h):
compute the corresponding points in each feature map
:param h: image height
:param w: image width
:return: points from all feature map
locations = []
for stride in self.downsample_ratios:
shift_x = np.arange(0, w, stride).astype(np.float32)
shift_y = np.arange(0, h, stride).astype(np.float32)
shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)
shift_x = shift_x.flatten()
shift_y = shift_y.flatten()
location = np.stack([shift_x, shift_y], axis=1) + stride // 2
num_points_each_level = [len(location) for location in locations]
locations = np.concatenate(locations, axis=0)
return locations, num_points_each_level
def _convert_xywh2xyxy(self, gt_bbox, w, h):
convert the bounding box from style xywh to xyxy
:param gt_bbox: bounding boxes normalized into [0, 1]
:param w: image width
:param h: image height
:return: bounding boxes in xyxy style
bboxes = gt_bbox.copy()
bboxes[:, [0, 2]] = bboxes[:, [0, 2]] * w
bboxes[:, [1, 3]] = bboxes[:, [1, 3]] * h
bboxes[:, 2] = bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]
bboxes[:, 3] = bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]
return bboxes
def _check_inside_boxes_limited(self, gt_bbox, xs, ys,
check if points is within the clipped boxes
:param gt_bbox: bounding boxes
:param xs: horizontal coordinate of points
:param ys: vertical coordinate of points
:return: the mask of points is within gt_box or not
bboxes = np.reshape(
gt_bbox, newshape=[1, gt_bbox.shape[0], gt_bbox.shape[1]])
bboxes = np.tile(bboxes, reps=[xs.shape[0], 1, 1])
ct_x = (bboxes[:, :, 0] + bboxes[:, :, 2]) / 2
ct_y = (bboxes[:, :, 1] + bboxes[:, :, 3]) / 2
beg = 0
clipped_box = bboxes.copy()
for lvl, stride in enumerate(self.downsample_ratios):
end = beg + num_points_each_level[lvl]
stride_exp = self.center_sampling_radius * stride
clipped_box[beg:end, :, 0] = np.maximum(
bboxes[beg:end, :, 0], ct_x[beg:end, :] - stride_exp)
clipped_box[beg:end, :, 1] = np.maximum(
bboxes[beg:end, :, 1], ct_y[beg:end, :] - stride_exp)
clipped_box[beg:end, :, 2] = np.minimum(
bboxes[beg:end, :, 2], ct_x[beg:end, :] + stride_exp)
clipped_box[beg:end, :, 3] = np.minimum(
bboxes[beg:end, :, 3], ct_y[beg:end, :] + stride_exp)
beg = end
l_res = xs - clipped_box[:, :, 0]
r_res = clipped_box[:, :, 2] - xs
t_res = ys - clipped_box[:, :, 1]
b_res = clipped_box[:, :, 3] - ys
clipped_box_reg_targets = np.stack([l_res, t_res, r_res, b_res], axis=2)
inside_gt_box = np.min(clipped_box_reg_targets, axis=2) > 0
return inside_gt_box
def __call__(self, samples, context=None):
assert len(self.object_sizes_of_interest) == len(self.downsample_ratios), \
"object_sizes_of_interest', and 'downsample_ratios' should have same length."
for sample in samples:
# im, gt_bbox, gt_class, gt_score = sample
im = sample['image']
bboxes = sample['gt_bbox']
gt_class = sample['gt_class']
# calculate the locations
h, w = im.shape[1:3]
points, num_points_each_level = self._compute_points(w, h)
object_scale_exp = []
for i, num_pts in enumerate(num_points_each_level):
reps=[num_pts, 1]))
object_scale_exp = np.concatenate(object_scale_exp, axis=0)
gt_area = (bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0]) * (
bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1])
xs, ys = points[:, 0], points[:, 1]
xs = np.reshape(xs, newshape=[xs.shape[0], 1])
xs = np.tile(xs, reps=[1, bboxes.shape[0]])
ys = np.reshape(ys, newshape=[ys.shape[0], 1])
ys = np.tile(ys, reps=[1, bboxes.shape[0]])
l_res = xs - bboxes[:, 0]
r_res = bboxes[:, 2] - xs
t_res = ys - bboxes[:, 1]
b_res = bboxes[:, 3] - ys
reg_targets = np.stack([l_res, t_res, r_res, b_res], axis=2)
if self.center_sampling_radius > 0:
is_inside_box = self._check_inside_boxes_limited(
bboxes, xs, ys, num_points_each_level)
is_inside_box = np.min(reg_targets, axis=2) > 0
# check if the targets is inside the corresponding level
max_reg_targets = np.max(reg_targets, axis=2)
lower_bound = np.tile(
object_scale_exp[:, 0], axis=1),
reps=[1, max_reg_targets.shape[1]])
high_bound = np.tile(
object_scale_exp[:, 1], axis=1),
reps=[1, max_reg_targets.shape[1]])
is_match_current_level = \
(max_reg_targets > lower_bound) & \
(max_reg_targets < high_bound)
points2gtarea = np.tile(
gt_area, axis=0), reps=[xs.shape[0], 1])
points2gtarea[is_inside_box == 0] = self.INF
points2gtarea[is_match_current_level == 0] = self.INF
points2min_area = points2gtarea.min(axis=1)
points2min_area_ind = points2gtarea.argmin(axis=1)
labels = gt_class[points2min_area_ind] + 1
labels[points2min_area == self.INF] = 0
reg_targets = reg_targets[range(xs.shape[0]), points2min_area_ind]
ctn_targets = np.sqrt((reg_targets[:, [0, 2]].min(axis=1) / \
reg_targets[:, [0, 2]].max(axis=1)) * \
(reg_targets[:, [1, 3]].min(axis=1) / \
reg_targets[:, [1, 3]].max(axis=1))).astype(np.float32)
ctn_targets = np.reshape(
ctn_targets, newshape=[ctn_targets.shape[0], 1])
ctn_targets[labels <= 0] = 0
pos_ind = np.nonzero(labels != 0)
reg_targets_pos = reg_targets[pos_ind[0], :]
split_sections = []
beg = 0
for lvl in range(len(num_points_each_level)):
end = beg + num_points_each_level[lvl]
beg = end
labels_by_level = np.split(labels, split_sections, axis=0)
reg_targets_by_level = np.split(reg_targets, split_sections, axis=0)
ctn_targets_by_level = np.split(ctn_targets, split_sections, axis=0)
for lvl in range(len(self.downsample_ratios)):
grid_w = int(np.ceil(w / self.downsample_ratios[lvl]))
grid_h = int(np.ceil(h / self.downsample_ratios[lvl]))
if self.norm_reg_targets:
sample['reg_target{}'.format(lvl)] = \
reg_targets_by_level[lvl] / \
newshape=[grid_h, grid_w, 4])
sample['reg_target{}'.format(lvl)] = np.reshape(
newshape=[grid_h, grid_w, 4])
sample['labels{}'.format(lvl)] = np.reshape(
labels_by_level[lvl], newshape=[grid_h, grid_w, 1])
sample['centerness{}'.format(lvl)] = np.reshape(
ctn_targets_by_level[lvl], newshape=[grid_h, grid_w, 1])
return samples
class Gt2TTFTarget(BaseOperator):
__shared__ = ['num_classes']
Generate TTFNet targets by ground truth data
num_classes(int): the number of classes.
down_ratio(int): the down ratio from images to heatmap, 4 by default.
alpha(float): the alpha parameter to generate gaussian target.
0.54 by default.
def __init__(self, num_classes=80, down_ratio=4, alpha=0.54):
super(Gt2TTFTarget, self).__init__()
self.down_ratio = down_ratio
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.alpha = alpha
def __call__(self, samples, context=None):
output_size = samples[0]['image'].shape[1]
feat_size = output_size // self.down_ratio
for sample in samples:
heatmap = np.zeros(
(self.num_classes, feat_size, feat_size), dtype='float32')
box_target = np.ones(
(4, feat_size, feat_size), dtype='float32') * -1
reg_weight = np.zeros((1, feat_size, feat_size), dtype='float32')
gt_bbox = sample['gt_bbox']
gt_class = sample['gt_class']
bbox_w = gt_bbox[:, 2] - gt_bbox[:, 0] + 1
bbox_h = gt_bbox[:, 3] - gt_bbox[:, 1] + 1
area = bbox_w * bbox_h
boxes_areas_log = np.log(area)
boxes_ind = np.argsort(boxes_areas_log, axis=0)[::-1]
boxes_area_topk_log = boxes_areas_log[boxes_ind]
gt_bbox = gt_bbox[boxes_ind]
gt_class = gt_class[boxes_ind]
feat_gt_bbox = gt_bbox / self.down_ratio
feat_gt_bbox = np.clip(feat_gt_bbox, 0, feat_size - 1)
feat_hs, feat_ws = (feat_gt_bbox[:, 3] - feat_gt_bbox[:, 1],
feat_gt_bbox[:, 2] - feat_gt_bbox[:, 0])
ct_inds = np.stack(
[(gt_bbox[:, 0] + gt_bbox[:, 2]) / 2,
(gt_bbox[:, 1] + gt_bbox[:, 3]) / 2],
axis=1) / self.down_ratio
h_radiuses_alpha = (feat_hs / 2. * self.alpha).astype('int32')
w_radiuses_alpha = (feat_ws / 2. * self.alpha).astype('int32')
for k in range(len(gt_bbox)):
cls_id = gt_class[k]
fake_heatmap = np.zeros((feat_size, feat_size), dtype='float32')
self.draw_truncate_gaussian(fake_heatmap, ct_inds[k],
heatmap[cls_id] = np.maximum(heatmap[cls_id], fake_heatmap)
box_target_inds = fake_heatmap > 0
box_target[:, box_target_inds] = gt_bbox[k][:, None]
local_heatmap = fake_heatmap[box_target_inds]
ct_div = np.sum(local_heatmap)
local_heatmap *= boxes_area_topk_log[k]
reg_weight[0, box_target_inds] = local_heatmap / ct_div
sample['ttf_heatmap'] = heatmap
sample['ttf_box_target'] = box_target
sample['ttf_reg_weight'] = reg_weight
if 'gt_score' in sample:
return samples
def draw_truncate_gaussian(self, heatmap, center, h_radius, w_radius):
h, w = 2 * h_radius + 1, 2 * w_radius + 1
sigma_x = w / 6
sigma_y = h / 6
gaussian = gaussian2D((h, w), sigma_x, sigma_y)
x, y = int(center[0]), int(center[1])
height, width = heatmap.shape[0:2]
left, right = min(x, w_radius), min(width - x, w_radius + 1)
top, bottom = min(y, h_radius), min(height - y, h_radius + 1)
masked_heatmap = heatmap[y - top:y + bottom, x - left:x + right]
masked_gaussian = gaussian[h_radius - top:h_radius + bottom, w_radius -
left:w_radius + right]
if min(masked_gaussian.shape) > 0 and min(masked_heatmap.shape) > 0:
heatmap[y - top:y + bottom, x - left:x + right] = np.maximum(
masked_heatmap, masked_gaussian)
return heatmap
class Gt2Solov2Target(BaseOperator):
"""Assign mask target and labels in SOLOv2 network.
num_grids (list): The list of feature map grids size.
scale_ranges (list): The list of mask boundary range.
coord_sigma (float): The coefficient of coordinate area length.
sampling_ratio (float): The ratio of down sampling.
def __init__(self,
num_grids=[40, 36, 24, 16, 12],
scale_ranges=[[1, 96], [48, 192], [96, 384], [192, 768],
[384, 2048]],
super(Gt2Solov2Target, self).__init__()
self.num_grids = num_grids
self.scale_ranges = scale_ranges
self.coord_sigma = coord_sigma
self.sampling_ratio = sampling_ratio
def _scale_size(self, im, scale):
h, w = im.shape[:2]
new_size = (int(w * float(scale) + 0.5), int(h * float(scale) + 0.5))
resized_img = cv2.resize(
im, None, None, fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
return resized_img
def __call__(self, samples, context=None):
sample_id = 0
max_ins_num = [0] * len(self.num_grids)
for sample in samples:
gt_bboxes_raw = sample['gt_bbox']
gt_labels_raw = sample['gt_class'] + 1
im_c, im_h, im_w = sample['image'].shape[:]
gt_masks_raw = sample['gt_segm'].astype(np.uint8)
mask_feat_size = [
int(im_h / self.sampling_ratio), int(im_w / self.sampling_ratio)
gt_areas = np.sqrt((gt_bboxes_raw[:, 2] - gt_bboxes_raw[:, 0]) *
(gt_bboxes_raw[:, 3] - gt_bboxes_raw[:, 1]))
ins_ind_label_list = []
idx = 0
for (lower_bound, upper_bound), num_grid \
in zip(self.scale_ranges, self.num_grids):
hit_indices = ((gt_areas >= lower_bound) &
(gt_areas <= upper_bound)).nonzero()[0]
num_ins = len(hit_indices)
ins_label = []
grid_order = []
cate_label = np.zeros([num_grid, num_grid], dtype=np.int64)
ins_ind_label = np.zeros([num_grid**2], dtype=np.bool)
if num_ins == 0:
ins_label = np.zeros(
[1, mask_feat_size[0], mask_feat_size[1]],
sample['cate_label{}'.format(idx)] = cate_label.flatten()
sample['ins_label{}'.format(idx)] = ins_label
sample['grid_order{}'.format(idx)] = np.asarray(
[sample_id * num_grid * num_grid + 0], dtype=np.int32)
idx += 1
gt_bboxes = gt_bboxes_raw[hit_indices]
gt_labels = gt_labels_raw[hit_indices]
gt_masks = gt_masks_raw[hit_indices, ...]
half_ws = 0.5 * (
gt_bboxes[:, 2] - gt_bboxes[:, 0]) * self.coord_sigma
half_hs = 0.5 * (
gt_bboxes[:, 3] - gt_bboxes[:, 1]) * self.coord_sigma
for seg_mask, gt_label, half_h, half_w in zip(
gt_masks, gt_labels, half_hs, half_ws):
if seg_mask.sum() == 0:
# mass center
upsampled_size = (mask_feat_size[0] * 4,
mask_feat_size[1] * 4)
center_h, center_w = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(
coord_w = int(
(center_w / upsampled_size[1]) // (1. / num_grid))
coord_h = int(
(center_h / upsampled_size[0]) // (1. / num_grid))
# left, top, right, down
top_box = max(0,
int(((center_h - half_h) / upsampled_size[0])
// (1. / num_grid)))
down_box = min(num_grid - 1,
int(((center_h + half_h) / upsampled_size[0])
// (1. / num_grid)))
left_box = max(0,
int(((center_w - half_w) / upsampled_size[1])
// (1. / num_grid)))
right_box = min(num_grid - 1,
int(((center_w + half_w) /
upsampled_size[1]) // (1. / num_grid)))
top = max(top_box, coord_h - 1)
down = min(down_box, coord_h + 1)
left = max(coord_w - 1, left_box)
right = min(right_box, coord_w + 1)
cate_label[top:(down + 1), left:(right + 1)] = gt_label
seg_mask = self._scale_size(
seg_mask, scale=1. / self.sampling_ratio)
for i in range(top, down + 1):
for j in range(left, right + 1):
label = int(i * num_grid + j)
cur_ins_label = np.zeros(
[mask_feat_size[0], mask_feat_size[1]],
cur_ins_label[:seg_mask.shape[0], :seg_mask.shape[
1]] = seg_mask
ins_ind_label[label] = True
grid_order.append(sample_id * num_grid * num_grid +
if ins_label == []:
ins_label = np.zeros(
[1, mask_feat_size[0], mask_feat_size[1]],
sample['cate_label{}'.format(idx)] = cate_label.flatten()
sample['ins_label{}'.format(idx)] = ins_label
sample['grid_order{}'.format(idx)] = np.asarray(
[sample_id * num_grid * num_grid + 0], dtype=np.int32)
ins_label = np.stack(ins_label, axis=0)
sample['cate_label{}'.format(idx)] = cate_label.flatten()
sample['ins_label{}'.format(idx)] = ins_label
sample['grid_order{}'.format(idx)] = np.asarray(
grid_order, dtype=np.int32)
assert len(grid_order) > 0
max_ins_num[idx] = max(
idx += 1
ins_ind_labels = np.concatenate([
for ins_ind_labels_level_img in ins_ind_label_list
fg_num = np.sum(ins_ind_labels)
sample['fg_num'] = fg_num
sample_id += 1
# padding batch
for data in samples:
for idx in range(len(self.num_grids)):
gt_ins_data = np.zeros(
0], :, :] = data['ins_label{}'.format(idx)]
gt_grid_order = np.zeros([max_ins_num[idx]], dtype=np.int32)
0]] = data['grid_order{}'.format(idx)]
data['ins_label{}'.format(idx)] = gt_ins_data
data['grid_order{}'.format(idx)] = gt_grid_order
return samples
class RboxPadBatch(BaseOperator):
Pad a batch of samples so they can be divisible by a stride.
The layout of each image should be 'CHW'. And convert poly to rbox.
pad_to_stride (int): If `pad_to_stride > 0`, pad zeros to ensure
height and width is divisible by `pad_to_stride`.
def __init__(self, pad_to_stride=0, pad_gt=False):
super(RboxPadBatch, self).__init__()
self.pad_to_stride = pad_to_stride
self.pad_gt = pad_gt
def __call__(self, samples, context=None):
samples (list): a batch of sample, each is dict.
coarsest_stride = self.pad_to_stride
max_shape = np.array([data['image'].shape for data in samples]).max(
if coarsest_stride > 0:
max_shape[1] = int(
np.ceil(max_shape[1] / coarsest_stride) * coarsest_stride)
max_shape[2] = int(
np.ceil(max_shape[2] / coarsest_stride) * coarsest_stride)
for data in samples:
im = data['image']
im_c, im_h, im_w = im.shape[:]
padding_im = np.zeros(
(im_c, max_shape[1], max_shape[2]), dtype=np.float32)
padding_im[:, :im_h, :im_w] = im
data['image'] = padding_im
if 'semantic' in data and data['semantic'] is not None:
semantic = data['semantic']
padding_sem = np.zeros(
(1, max_shape[1], max_shape[2]), dtype=np.float32)
padding_sem[:, :im_h, :im_w] = semantic
data['semantic'] = padding_sem
if 'gt_segm' in data and data['gt_segm'] is not None:
gt_segm = data['gt_segm']
padding_segm = np.zeros(
(gt_segm.shape[0], max_shape[1], max_shape[2]),
padding_segm[:, :im_h, :im_w] = gt_segm
data['gt_segm'] = padding_segm
if self.pad_gt:
gt_num = []
if 'gt_poly' in data and data['gt_poly'] is not None and len(data[
'gt_poly']) > 0:
pad_mask = True
pad_mask = False
if pad_mask:
poly_num = []
poly_part_num = []
point_num = []
for data in samples:
if pad_mask:
for poly in data['gt_poly']:
for p_p in poly:
point_num.append(int(len(p_p) / 2))
gt_num_max = max(gt_num)
for i, sample in enumerate(samples):
assert 'gt_rbox' in sample
assert 'gt_rbox2poly' in sample
gt_box_data = -np.ones([gt_num_max, 4], dtype=np.float32)
gt_class_data = -np.ones([gt_num_max], dtype=np.int32)
is_crowd_data = np.ones([gt_num_max], dtype=np.int32)
if pad_mask:
poly_num_max = max(poly_num)
poly_part_num_max = max(poly_part_num)
point_num_max = max(point_num)
gt_masks_data = -np.ones(
[poly_num_max, poly_part_num_max, point_num_max, 2],
gt_num = sample['gt_bbox'].shape[0]
gt_box_data[0:gt_num, :] = sample['gt_bbox']
gt_class_data[0:gt_num] = np.squeeze(sample['gt_class'])
is_crowd_data[0:gt_num] = np.squeeze(sample['is_crowd'])
if pad_mask:
for j, poly in enumerate(sample['gt_poly']):
for k, p_p in enumerate(poly):
pp_np = np.array(p_p).reshape(-1, 2)
gt_masks_data[j, k, :pp_np.shape[0], :] = pp_np
sample['gt_poly'] = gt_masks_data
sample['gt_bbox'] = gt_box_data
sample['gt_class'] = gt_class_data
sample['is_crowd'] = is_crowd_data
# ploy to rbox
polys = sample['gt_rbox2poly']
rbox = bbox_utils.poly_to_rbox(polys)
sample['gt_rbox'] = rbox
return samples