801 lines
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801 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from ppdet.data.source.voc import pascalvoc_label
from ppdet.data.source.widerface import widerface_label
from ppdet.utils.logger import setup_logger
logger = setup_logger(__name__)
__all__ = ['get_categories']
def get_categories(metric_type, anno_file=None):
Get class id to category id map and category id
to category name map from annotation file.
metric_type (str): metric type, currently support 'coco', 'voc', 'oid'
and 'widerface'.
anno_file (str): annotation file path
if metric_type.lower() == 'coco':
if anno_file and os.path.isfile(anno_file):
# lazy import pycocotools here
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
coco = COCO(anno_file)
cats = coco.loadCats(coco.getCatIds())
clsid2catid = {i: cat['id'] for i, cat in enumerate(cats)}
catid2name = {cat['id']: cat['name'] for cat in cats}
return clsid2catid, catid2name
# anno file not exist, load default categories of COCO17
return _coco17_category()
elif metric_type.lower() == 'voc':
if anno_file and os.path.isfile(anno_file):
cats = []
with open(anno_file) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if cats[0] == 'background':
cats = cats[1:]
clsid2catid = {i: i for i in range(len(cats))}
catid2name = {i: name for i, name in enumerate(cats)}
return clsid2catid, catid2name
# anno file not exist, load default categories of
# VOC all 20 categories
return _vocall_category()
elif metric_type.lower() == 'oid':
if anno_file and os.path.isfile(anno_file):
logger.warn("only default categories support for OID19")
return _oid19_category()
elif metric_type.lower() == 'widerface':
return _widerface_category()
raise ValueError("unknown metric type {}".format(metric_type))
def _coco17_category():
Get class id to category id map and category id
to category name map of COCO2017 dataset
clsid2catid = {
1: 1,
2: 2,
3: 3,
4: 4,
5: 5,
6: 6,
7: 7,
8: 8,
9: 9,
10: 10,
11: 11,
12: 13,
13: 14,
14: 15,
15: 16,
16: 17,
17: 18,
18: 19,
19: 20,
20: 21,
21: 22,
22: 23,
23: 24,
24: 25,
25: 27,
26: 28,
27: 31,
28: 32,
29: 33,
30: 34,
31: 35,
32: 36,
33: 37,
34: 38,
35: 39,
36: 40,
37: 41,
38: 42,
39: 43,
40: 44,
41: 46,
42: 47,
43: 48,
44: 49,
45: 50,
46: 51,
47: 52,
48: 53,
49: 54,
50: 55,
51: 56,
52: 57,
53: 58,
54: 59,
55: 60,
56: 61,
57: 62,
58: 63,
59: 64,
60: 65,
61: 67,
62: 70,
63: 72,
64: 73,
65: 74,
66: 75,
67: 76,
68: 77,
69: 78,
70: 79,
71: 80,
72: 81,
73: 82,
74: 84,
75: 85,
76: 86,
77: 87,
78: 88,
79: 89,
80: 90
catid2name = {
0: 'background',
1: 'person',
2: 'bicycle',
3: 'car',
4: 'motorcycle',
5: 'airplane',
6: 'bus',
7: 'train',
8: 'truck',
9: 'boat',
10: 'traffic light',
11: 'fire hydrant',
13: 'stop sign',
14: 'parking meter',
15: 'bench',
16: 'bird',
17: 'cat',
18: 'dog',
19: 'horse',
20: 'sheep',
21: 'cow',
22: 'elephant',
23: 'bear',
24: 'zebra',
25: 'giraffe',
27: 'backpack',
28: 'umbrella',
31: 'handbag',
32: 'tie',
33: 'suitcase',
34: 'frisbee',
35: 'skis',
36: 'snowboard',
37: 'sports ball',
38: 'kite',
39: 'baseball bat',
40: 'baseball glove',
41: 'skateboard',
42: 'surfboard',
43: 'tennis racket',
44: 'bottle',
46: 'wine glass',
47: 'cup',
48: 'fork',
49: 'knife',
50: 'spoon',
51: 'bowl',
52: 'banana',
53: 'apple',
54: 'sandwich',
55: 'orange',
56: 'broccoli',
57: 'carrot',
58: 'hot dog',
59: 'pizza',
60: 'donut',
61: 'cake',
62: 'chair',
63: 'couch',
64: 'potted plant',
65: 'bed',
67: 'dining table',
70: 'toilet',
72: 'tv',
73: 'laptop',
74: 'mouse',
75: 'remote',
76: 'keyboard',
77: 'cell phone',
78: 'microwave',
79: 'oven',
80: 'toaster',
81: 'sink',
82: 'refrigerator',
84: 'book',
85: 'clock',
86: 'vase',
87: 'scissors',
88: 'teddy bear',
89: 'hair drier',
90: 'toothbrush'
clsid2catid = {k - 1: v for k, v in clsid2catid.items()}
return clsid2catid, catid2name
def _vocall_category():
Get class id to category id map and category id
to category name map of mixup voc dataset
label_map = pascalvoc_label()
label_map = sorted(label_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
cats = [l[0] for l in label_map]
clsid2catid = {i: i for i in range(len(cats))}
catid2name = {i: name for i, name in enumerate(cats)}
return clsid2catid, catid2name
def _widerface_category():
label_map = widerface_label()
label_map = sorted(label_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
cats = [l[0] for l in label_map]
clsid2catid = {i: i for i in range(len(cats))}
catid2name = {i: name for i, name in enumerate(cats)}
return clsid2catid, catid2name
def _oid19_category():
clsid2catid = {k: k + 1 for k in range(500)}
catid2name = {
0: "background",
1: "Infant bed",
2: "Rose",
3: "Flag",
4: "Flashlight",
5: "Sea turtle",
6: "Camera",
7: "Animal",
8: "Glove",
9: "Crocodile",
10: "Cattle",
11: "House",
12: "Guacamole",
13: "Penguin",
14: "Vehicle registration plate",
15: "Bench",
16: "Ladybug",
17: "Human nose",
18: "Watermelon",
19: "Flute",
20: "Butterfly",
21: "Washing machine",
22: "Raccoon",
23: "Segway",
24: "Taco",
25: "Jellyfish",
26: "Cake",
27: "Pen",
28: "Cannon",
29: "Bread",
30: "Tree",
31: "Shellfish",
32: "Bed",
33: "Hamster",
34: "Hat",
35: "Toaster",
36: "Sombrero",
37: "Tiara",
38: "Bowl",
39: "Dragonfly",
40: "Moths and butterflies",
41: "Antelope",
42: "Vegetable",
43: "Torch",
44: "Building",
45: "Power plugs and sockets",
46: "Blender",
47: "Billiard table",
48: "Cutting board",
49: "Bronze sculpture",
50: "Turtle",
51: "Broccoli",
52: "Tiger",
53: "Mirror",
54: "Bear",
55: "Zucchini",
56: "Dress",
57: "Volleyball",
58: "Guitar",
59: "Reptile",
60: "Golf cart",
61: "Tart",
62: "Fedora",
63: "Carnivore",
64: "Car",
65: "Lighthouse",
66: "Coffeemaker",
67: "Food processor",
68: "Truck",
69: "Bookcase",
70: "Surfboard",
71: "Footwear",
72: "Bench",
73: "Necklace",
74: "Flower",
75: "Radish",
76: "Marine mammal",
77: "Frying pan",
78: "Tap",
79: "Peach",
80: "Knife",
81: "Handbag",
82: "Laptop",
83: "Tent",
84: "Ambulance",
85: "Christmas tree",
86: "Eagle",
87: "Limousine",
88: "Kitchen & dining room table",
89: "Polar bear",
90: "Tower",
91: "Football",
92: "Willow",
93: "Human head",
94: "Stop sign",
95: "Banana",
96: "Mixer",
97: "Binoculars",
98: "Dessert",
99: "Bee",
100: "Chair",
101: "Wood-burning stove",
102: "Flowerpot",
103: "Beaker",
104: "Oyster",
105: "Woodpecker",
106: "Harp",
107: "Bathtub",
108: "Wall clock",
109: "Sports uniform",
110: "Rhinoceros",
111: "Beehive",
112: "Cupboard",
113: "Chicken",
114: "Man",
115: "Blue jay",
116: "Cucumber",
117: "Balloon",
118: "Kite",
119: "Fireplace",
120: "Lantern",
121: "Missile",
122: "Book",
123: "Spoon",
124: "Grapefruit",
125: "Squirrel",
126: "Orange",
127: "Coat",
128: "Punching bag",
129: "Zebra",
130: "Billboard",
131: "Bicycle",
132: "Door handle",
133: "Mechanical fan",
134: "Ring binder",
135: "Table",
136: "Parrot",
137: "Sock",
138: "Vase",
139: "Weapon",
140: "Shotgun",
141: "Glasses",
142: "Seahorse",
143: "Belt",
144: "Watercraft",
145: "Window",
146: "Giraffe",
147: "Lion",
148: "Tire",
149: "Vehicle",
150: "Canoe",
151: "Tie",
152: "Shelf",
153: "Picture frame",
154: "Printer",
155: "Human leg",
156: "Boat",
157: "Slow cooker",
158: "Croissant",
159: "Candle",
160: "Pancake",
161: "Pillow",
162: "Coin",
163: "Stretcher",
164: "Sandal",
165: "Woman",
166: "Stairs",
167: "Harpsichord",
168: "Stool",
169: "Bus",
170: "Suitcase",
171: "Human mouth",
172: "Juice",
173: "Skull",
174: "Door",
175: "Violin",
176: "Chopsticks",
177: "Digital clock",
178: "Sunflower",
179: "Leopard",
180: "Bell pepper",
181: "Harbor seal",
182: "Snake",
183: "Sewing machine",
184: "Goose",
185: "Helicopter",
186: "Seat belt",
187: "Coffee cup",
188: "Microwave oven",
189: "Hot dog",
190: "Countertop",
191: "Serving tray",
192: "Dog bed",
193: "Beer",
194: "Sunglasses",
195: "Golf ball",
196: "Waffle",
197: "Palm tree",
198: "Trumpet",
199: "Ruler",
200: "Helmet",
201: "Ladder",
202: "Office building",
203: "Tablet computer",
204: "Toilet paper",
205: "Pomegranate",
206: "Skirt",
207: "Gas stove",
208: "Cookie",
209: "Cart",
210: "Raven",
211: "Egg",
212: "Burrito",
213: "Goat",
214: "Kitchen knife",
215: "Skateboard",
216: "Salt and pepper shakers",
217: "Lynx",
218: "Boot",
219: "Platter",
220: "Ski",
221: "Swimwear",
222: "Swimming pool",
223: "Drinking straw",
224: "Wrench",
225: "Drum",
226: "Ant",
227: "Human ear",
228: "Headphones",
229: "Fountain",
230: "Bird",
231: "Jeans",
232: "Television",
233: "Crab",
234: "Microphone",
235: "Home appliance",
236: "Snowplow",
237: "Beetle",
238: "Artichoke",
239: "Jet ski",
240: "Stationary bicycle",
241: "Human hair",
242: "Brown bear",
243: "Starfish",
244: "Fork",
245: "Lobster",
246: "Corded phone",
247: "Drink",
248: "Saucer",
249: "Carrot",
250: "Insect",
251: "Clock",
252: "Castle",
253: "Tennis racket",
254: "Ceiling fan",
255: "Asparagus",
256: "Jaguar",
257: "Musical instrument",
258: "Train",
259: "Cat",
260: "Rifle",
261: "Dumbbell",
262: "Mobile phone",
263: "Taxi",
264: "Shower",
265: "Pitcher",
266: "Lemon",
267: "Invertebrate",
268: "Turkey",
269: "High heels",
270: "Bust",
271: "Elephant",
272: "Scarf",
273: "Barrel",
274: "Trombone",
275: "Pumpkin",
276: "Box",
277: "Tomato",
278: "Frog",
279: "Bidet",
280: "Human face",
281: "Houseplant",
282: "Van",
283: "Shark",
284: "Ice cream",
285: "Swim cap",
286: "Falcon",
287: "Ostrich",
288: "Handgun",
289: "Whiteboard",
290: "Lizard",
291: "Pasta",
292: "Snowmobile",
293: "Light bulb",
294: "Window blind",
295: "Muffin",
296: "Pretzel",
297: "Computer monitor",
298: "Horn",
299: "Furniture",
300: "Sandwich",
301: "Fox",
302: "Convenience store",
303: "Fish",
304: "Fruit",
305: "Earrings",
306: "Curtain",
307: "Grape",
308: "Sofa bed",
309: "Horse",
310: "Luggage and bags",
311: "Desk",
312: "Crutch",
313: "Bicycle helmet",
314: "Tick",
315: "Airplane",
316: "Canary",
317: "Spatula",
318: "Watch",
319: "Lily",
320: "Kitchen appliance",
321: "Filing cabinet",
322: "Aircraft",
323: "Cake stand",
324: "Candy",
325: "Sink",
326: "Mouse",
327: "Wine",
328: "Wheelchair",
329: "Goldfish",
330: "Refrigerator",
331: "French fries",
332: "Drawer",
333: "Treadmill",
334: "Picnic basket",
335: "Dice",
336: "Cabbage",
337: "Football helmet",
338: "Pig",
339: "Person",
340: "Shorts",
341: "Gondola",
342: "Honeycomb",
343: "Doughnut",
344: "Chest of drawers",
345: "Land vehicle",
346: "Bat",
347: "Monkey",
348: "Dagger",
349: "Tableware",
350: "Human foot",
351: "Mug",
352: "Alarm clock",
353: "Pressure cooker",
354: "Human hand",
355: "Tortoise",
356: "Baseball glove",
357: "Sword",
358: "Pear",
359: "Miniskirt",
360: "Traffic sign",
361: "Girl",
362: "Roller skates",
363: "Dinosaur",
364: "Porch",
365: "Human beard",
366: "Submarine sandwich",
367: "Screwdriver",
368: "Strawberry",
369: "Wine glass",
370: "Seafood",
371: "Racket",
372: "Wheel",
373: "Sea lion",
374: "Toy",
375: "Tea",
376: "Tennis ball",
377: "Waste container",
378: "Mule",
379: "Cricket ball",
380: "Pineapple",
381: "Coconut",
382: "Doll",
383: "Coffee table",
384: "Snowman",
385: "Lavender",
386: "Shrimp",
387: "Maple",
388: "Cowboy hat",
389: "Goggles",
390: "Rugby ball",
391: "Caterpillar",
392: "Poster",
393: "Rocket",
394: "Organ",
395: "Saxophone",
396: "Traffic light",
397: "Cocktail",
398: "Plastic bag",
399: "Squash",
400: "Mushroom",
401: "Hamburger",
402: "Light switch",
403: "Parachute",
404: "Teddy bear",
405: "Winter melon",
406: "Deer",
407: "Musical keyboard",
408: "Plumbing fixture",
409: "Scoreboard",
410: "Baseball bat",
411: "Envelope",
412: "Adhesive tape",
413: "Briefcase",
414: "Paddle",
415: "Bow and arrow",
416: "Telephone",
417: "Sheep",
418: "Jacket",
419: "Boy",
420: "Pizza",
421: "Otter",
422: "Office supplies",
423: "Couch",
424: "Cello",
425: "Bull",
426: "Camel",
427: "Ball",
428: "Duck",
429: "Whale",
430: "Shirt",
431: "Tank",
432: "Motorcycle",
433: "Accordion",
434: "Owl",
435: "Porcupine",
436: "Sun hat",
437: "Nail",
438: "Scissors",
439: "Swan",
440: "Lamp",
441: "Crown",
442: "Piano",
443: "Sculpture",
444: "Cheetah",
445: "Oboe",
446: "Tin can",
447: "Mango",
448: "Tripod",
449: "Oven",
450: "Mouse",
451: "Barge",
452: "Coffee",
453: "Snowboard",
454: "Common fig",
455: "Salad",
456: "Marine invertebrates",
457: "Umbrella",
458: "Kangaroo",
459: "Human arm",
460: "Measuring cup",
461: "Snail",
462: "Loveseat",
463: "Suit",
464: "Teapot",
465: "Bottle",
466: "Alpaca",
467: "Kettle",
468: "Trousers",
469: "Popcorn",
470: "Centipede",
471: "Spider",
472: "Sparrow",
473: "Plate",
474: "Bagel",
475: "Personal care",
476: "Apple",
477: "Brassiere",
478: "Bathroom cabinet",
479: "studio couch",
480: "Computer keyboard",
481: "Table tennis racket",
482: "Sushi",
483: "Cabinetry",
484: "Street light",
485: "Towel",
486: "Nightstand",
487: "Rabbit",
488: "Dolphin",
489: "Dog",
490: "Jug",
491: "Wok",
492: "Fire hydrant",
493: "Human eye",
494: "Skyscraper",
495: "Backpack",
496: "Potato",
497: "Paper towel",
498: "Lifejacket",
499: "Bicycle wheel",
500: "Toilet",
return clsid2catid, catid2name