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163 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
import paddle.nn.functional as F
from ppdet.core.workspace import register
from ..ops import iou_similarity
from ..bbox_utils import bbox2delta
__all__ = ['SSDLoss']
class SSDLoss(nn.Layer):
overlap_threshold (float32, optional): IoU threshold for negative bboxes
and positive bboxes, 0.5 by default.
neg_pos_ratio (float): The ratio of negative samples / positive samples.
loc_loss_weight (float): The weight of loc_loss.
conf_loss_weight (float): The weight of conf_loss.
prior_box_var (list): Variances corresponding to prior box coord, [0.1,
0.1, 0.2, 0.2] by default.
def __init__(self,
prior_box_var=[0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]):
super(SSDLoss, self).__init__()
self.overlap_threshold = overlap_threshold
self.neg_pos_ratio = neg_pos_ratio
self.loc_loss_weight = loc_loss_weight
self.conf_loss_weight = conf_loss_weight
self.prior_box_var = [1. / a for a in prior_box_var]
def _bipartite_match_for_batch(self, gt_bbox, gt_label, prior_boxes,
gt_bbox (Tensor): [B, N, 4]
gt_label (Tensor): [B, N, 1]
prior_boxes (Tensor): [A, 4]
bg_index (int): Background class index
batch_size, num_priors = gt_bbox.shape[0], prior_boxes.shape[0]
ious = iou_similarity(gt_bbox.reshape((-1, 4)), prior_boxes).reshape(
(batch_size, -1, num_priors))
# Calculate the number of object per sample.
num_object = (ious.sum(axis=-1) > 0).astype('int64').sum(axis=-1)
# For each prior box, get the max IoU of all GTs.
prior_max_iou, prior_argmax_iou = ious.max(axis=1), ious.argmax(axis=1)
# For each GT, get the max IoU of all prior boxes.
gt_max_iou, gt_argmax_iou = ious.max(axis=2), ious.argmax(axis=2)
# Gather target bbox and label according to 'prior_argmax_iou' index.
batch_ind = paddle.arange(
0, batch_size, dtype='int64').unsqueeze(-1).tile([1, num_priors])
prior_argmax_iou = paddle.stack([batch_ind, prior_argmax_iou], axis=-1)
targets_bbox = paddle.gather_nd(gt_bbox, prior_argmax_iou)
targets_label = paddle.gather_nd(gt_label, prior_argmax_iou)
# Assign negative
bg_index_tensor = paddle.full([batch_size, num_priors, 1], bg_index,
targets_label = paddle.where(
prior_max_iou.unsqueeze(-1) < self.overlap_threshold,
bg_index_tensor, targets_label)
# Ensure each GT can match the max IoU prior box.
for i in range(batch_size):
if num_object[i] > 0:
targets_bbox[i] = paddle.scatter(
targets_bbox[i], gt_argmax_iou[i, :int(num_object[i])],
gt_bbox[i, :int(num_object[i])])
targets_label[i] = paddle.scatter(
targets_label[i], gt_argmax_iou[i, :int(num_object[i])],
gt_label[i, :int(num_object[i])])
# Encode box
prior_boxes = prior_boxes.unsqueeze(0).tile([batch_size, 1, 1])
targets_bbox = bbox2delta(
prior_boxes.reshape([-1, 4]),
targets_bbox.reshape([-1, 4]), self.prior_box_var)
targets_bbox = targets_bbox.reshape([batch_size, -1, 4])
return targets_bbox, targets_label
def _mine_hard_example(self, conf_loss, targets_label, bg_index):
pos = (targets_label != bg_index).astype(conf_loss.dtype)
num_pos = pos.sum(axis=1, keepdim=True)
neg = (targets_label == bg_index).astype(conf_loss.dtype)
conf_loss = conf_loss.clone() * neg
loss_idx = conf_loss.argsort(axis=1, descending=True)
idx_rank = loss_idx.argsort(axis=1)
num_negs = []
for i in range(conf_loss.shape[0]):
cur_num_pos = num_pos[i]
num_neg = paddle.clip(
cur_num_pos * self.neg_pos_ratio, max=pos.shape[1])
num_neg = paddle.stack(num_negs).expand_as(idx_rank)
neg_mask = (idx_rank < num_neg).astype(conf_loss.dtype)
return (neg_mask + pos).astype('bool')
def forward(self, boxes, scores, gt_bbox, gt_label, prior_boxes):
boxes = paddle.concat(boxes, axis=1)
scores = paddle.concat(scores, axis=1)
gt_label = gt_label.unsqueeze(-1).astype('int64')
prior_boxes = paddle.concat(prior_boxes, axis=0)
bg_index = scores.shape[-1] - 1
# Match bbox and get targets.
targets_bbox, targets_label = \
self._bipartite_match_for_batch(gt_bbox, gt_label, prior_boxes, bg_index)
targets_bbox.stop_gradient = True
targets_label.stop_gradient = True
# Compute regression loss.
# Select positive samples.
bbox_mask = (targets_label != bg_index).astype(boxes.dtype)
loc_loss = bbox_mask * F.smooth_l1_loss(
boxes, targets_bbox, reduction='none')
loc_loss = loc_loss.sum() * self.loc_loss_weight
# Compute confidence loss.
conf_loss = F.softmax_with_cross_entropy(scores, targets_label)
# Mining hard examples.
label_mask = self._mine_hard_example(
conf_loss.squeeze(-1), targets_label.squeeze(-1), bg_index)
conf_loss = conf_loss * label_mask.unsqueeze(-1).astype(conf_loss.dtype)
conf_loss = conf_loss.sum() * self.conf_loss_weight
# Compute overall weighted loss.
normalizer = (targets_label != bg_index).astype('float32').sum().clip(
loss = (conf_loss + loc_loss) / (normalizer + 1e-9)
return loss